Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I desperately need a website. I think I've put this off long enough. And now that a friend has offered to help me build it, I really don't have any more excuses not to. 

So this afternoon, over a couple cups of strong chai, I've been thinking about what I want in a website. 

So, what I want:
  • Simple. Really, really simple and easy to navigate. I feel like I meet far too many computer illiterate folks (as well as generally unaware, but thats an entirely different issue) to do anything else. I need anybody and everybody to be able to look at and understand this site.
  • Pretty. And cute. And following the branding I have done for myself in general.
Yeah, so I think those are my only real requirements. I don't have all that much that needs to be put up anyways. I really just want to put a little information about myself and my portfolio. 

Here's a couple sites I really like:

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