I found an inspiring article the other day about overcoming procrastination and getting things done.
Here is the article about Digging Out and Getting Things Done.
I'm using this article to look specifically at my website building project.
So I guess I need to:
1. Set a Deadline - Hmmm. I haven't set an actual deadline, but maybe having it up and running in one month is reasonable. August 2nd it is! An early birthday present to myself!
2. Use Positive Pressure - Thanks to Travis for helping me build this, which in turn also helps make me accountable. And I think wanting a "real" job is pressure enough.
3. Set a Start Date - That would be today. And I would like to have an outline for what the homepage looks like by Sunday.
4. Set Boundaries - This could be a real problem...
5. Take Frequent Breaks - I already get up to tinkle about every 10 minutes, so I don't think this will be a problem.
6. Know Your Payoff - Having something to show potential clients and employers... why didn't I get serious about this sooner?