Wednesday, July 28, 2010


There were a few limes laying around. So in between my laying around I decided to make a key lime pie. I have this old pie book that was given to me by one of my aunts. I think its adorable. I guess recipe books have come a long way since 1965 when it was published, considering some of the less-than-appetizing photos throughout the book. But the recipes are classic and include just about every type of pie.

This pie adventure included a lot of cold butter that was rolled out with my pathetic cheapie rolling pin.

It also involved lime. duh.

I may have accidentally squirted the green food coloring rather than dropping it. So now the inside of this pie reminds me of that Nickelodeon slime. Remember that stuff? It was fun.

But at least its beautiful on the outside. Like me. Hehe.

Who's gonna eat this damn thing with me?

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