Friday, November 12, 2010


Sometimes I have a tough time with words. And speaking in general. Just ask my boyfriend, who often gets frustrated with the fact that I often don't finish sentences... because... you know? I could use a little practice with speaking... and stuff...

So I was super excited when I heard this story on NPR about a website called Save The Words. Basically, they are trying to rescue words that are on the brink of extinction. They are on the verge of being removed from dictionaries and disappearing from the English language forever.

You just choose a word, then adopt it. And by adopting it, you are swearing to use that word in your everyday language. And thus, the word is revived! Saved from extinction!

I adopted the word pamphagous. It's an adjective meaning eating or consuming everything.

Ex) Don't invite Verelle to the party. She is a pamphagous woman and will eat all of the cheese. All of it. Don't invite her.

This word just got adopted into a good home. It will make pamphagous use of it.

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