I have REALLY been putting this off. I certainly don't want to make excuses,
but with two jobs, 12 credits, and a personal crisis that I am (reluctantly) having to deal with, I am as stressed as I have EVER been. I am giving it my all to stay sane and enrolled. In order to do that I will get this out of the way. So here goes:
Verelle's Personal Website Project
This term I would like to create a website for my artwork.
I need a website that showcases my design work and maybe also my photography (although it might be appropriate to create a separate site). I originally intended to create this site in dreamweaver, a program I would have to learn, but now that I am learning Flash it seems that it might be a realistic option. I would like the site to be a clear representation of my style and be easy to navigate.
I have so much to learn if I am going to complete this task by the end of the term.
I will need to:
- Come up with an easy-to-remember and fitting URL.
- Pick my poison? Dreamweaver or Flash? I will need help figuring this part out.
- Draw up a layout for the site.
- Compile my portfolio.
- Do the dirty work of building the site.
- Probably about 30 other steps that I just can't think of right now.
I am going to need some serious tutorials if I am going to learn a new program in just 8 weeks. Maybe Lynda.com?
Also maybe some Alprazolam.
I don't know if this idea for a Capstone project is a realistic expectation. I know that there are far easier things that I could choose, like setting up my job at the Bookstore (working as a graphic design/promotions assistant) as an internship, for example.
Any suggestions?