Monday, March 15, 2010


After a very long and draining weekend, I slept almost in a coma-like state last night. And now I feel quite rejuvenated, ready to kick ass this week. Bring it on, Monday!

I'm going to be making dinner tonight for my beautiful friend Theresa. We've been friends since high school and I have really enjoyed hanging out with her since returning to Portland. She eats like I do (pescetarian - a vegetarian that includes fish and seafood in their diet; and yes, it is a real word), so cooking for her is exciting.

I will be making:
Bananafish (white fish with plantains)
Coconut Bread
Steamed Carrots

These dishes come from the Moosewood cookbook Sundays at Moosewood Restaurant. The awesome thing about Moosewood cookbooks is that they have these amazing recipes from all over the world that don't use any meat or poultry, only fish. They even have a recipe for Jambalaya that doesn't use any ham. I'm pretty excited to try that one.

My desk this morning:

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